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Shaws Bay Coastal Zone Management Plan

Hydrosphere Consulting prepared the coastal zone management plan for Shaws Bay, a small enclosed embayment adjacent to the mouth of the Richmond River, Ballina. 


Key issues addressed include conflicting priorities for the management of the Bay relating to ecosystem health, public access and recreational use.


Preparation of the plan included stakeholder/community consultation, field investigations, mapping, literature review and assessment of coastal hazards, estuary condition and community uses.


A range of effective, practical and economically viable options were developed to address key issues. These included community education programs, ecosystem conservation measures and capital works such as dredging and erosion control options.


The plan included a detailed implementation program for the management actions.


Hydrosphere Consulting has also been assisting Council with grant funding applications and design and implementation of CZMP actions including erosion controls, vegetation management, recreational facilities and dredging.



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