Tweed Coast Estuaries Coastal Zone Management Plan
Hydrosphere Consulting was engaged by Tweed Shire Council to review the existing Estuary Management Plan and prepare a new Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) for three Tweed Coast estuaries (Cudgen, Cudgera and Mooball Creeks). The plan is consistent with relevant state legislation and policies and produced in accordance with the Office of Environment and Heritage CZMP Guidelines.
The project incorporated a bio-monitoring component assessing the ecological health of the estuaries and catchments and stakeholder consultation to achieve the required outputs. An important part of the plan was the catchment pollutant export modelling phase, which models existing and future urban development scenarios for the catchments to gauge the impact of current and future catchment land use on water quality.
This plan provides Tweed Shire Council with a comprehensive evaluation of current and future issues for the estuaries, detailed action planning and cost estimation and logical strategic guidance regarding long-term management of these iconic estuaries.